Product Code: 935
Qty: 3
SR Link 5ml
Ivoclar Technical

94.80€ +vat120.45€

102.38€ incl tax

SR Link 5ml

SR Link is a material that enables a strong bond between composite material and metal.


  • Due to the phosphate groups, SR Link forms a bond with metal oxides, and the methacrylate group of the SR Link molecule reacts with monomers from SR Nexco Opaker. This type of connection is very durable and allows you to reduce the number of retention beads, and thus preparation for the restoration can be much more economical for hard tooth tissues.


  • 5ml.

Product Code: 935
SR Link 5ml

94.80€ +vat120.45€

102.38€ incl tax

Product Code: 1778
Qty: In a warehouse
Bredent Crea.Lign GUM 5g

47.80€ +vat

51.62€ incl tax

Bredent Crea.Lign GUM 5g

Crea.lign paste Tint GUM

Crea.lign veneering composite for permanent veneering of metal, ceramic and polymer substructures. The unique material properties adapt the flexibility and hardness of crea.lign to different framework materials. Crea.lign contains only nanoparticles and no ground glass filler. It consists of 50% opalescent ceramic filler and high-strength oligomer matrix.


  • 5g

Product Code: 1778
Brands Bredent
Bredent Crea.Lign GUM 5g

47.80€ +vat

51.62€ incl tax

Product Code: 4444
Qty: 4
SR Gel 30ml
Ivoclar Technical

49.47€ +vat69.15€

60.85€ incl tax

SR Gel 30ml

SR Gel The glycerin-based material is oxygen impermeable, it is applied to the restoration prior to the final polymerization in order to minimize the formation of an inhibition layer on the surface of the veneering composite. As a result, optimal surface hardening is possible. Do not use too thick a layer.


  • 30 ml.

Product Code: 4444
SR Gel 30ml

49.47€ +vat69.15€

60.85€ incl tax

Product Code: 5431
Qty: In a warehouse
Ceramage Spacer 7 ml.

25.17€ +vat

30.95€ incl tax

Ceramage Spacer 7 ml.

Distance varnish.


  • 7 ml

Product Code: 5431
Brands Shofu
Ceramage Spacer 7 ml.

25.17€ +vat

30.95€ incl tax

Product Code: 6154
Qty: 2
SR Model Separator 10ml
Ivoclar Technical

28.44€ +vat41.15€

34.98€ incl tax

SR Model Separator 10ml

Gypsum-plastic insulator (SR Adoro, SR Chromasit, SR Spectrasit, NEXCO)


10 ml

Product Code: 6154
SR Model Separator 10ml

28.44€ +vat41.15€

34.98€ incl tax

Product Code: 6726
Qty: 29
GC Optiglaze 15ml - varnish
Gc Corporation Japan

46.14€ +vat54.17€

49.84€ incl tax

GC Optiglaze 15ml - varnish

Nanoparticle, light-cured protective coating for composites and plastics used in veneering and denture materials.

A covering agent that simplifies the polishing procedure by providing aesthetic, glossy surfaces on artificial teeth, removable dentures, temporary crowns and individual acrylic trays. Optiglaze is the solution in areas with difficult access to polishing, such as the grooves of posterior teeth or the interdental spaces of indirect composite restorations.


  • Technology of evenly dispersed nanofiller particles.
  • High resistance to abrasion and discoloration.
  • Greater connection durability.
  • Long-lasting shine.
  • Saves time.


  • 15 ml.

Product Code: 6726
GC Optiglaze 15ml - varnish

46.14€ +vat54.17€

49.84€ incl tax

Product Code: 9717
Qty: 38
SR Nexco Paste Dentin 2,5g
Ivoclar Technical

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Dentin 2,5g

Pasta SR Nexco to typowo światłoutwardzalny kompozyt, z opalizującymi mikrowypełniaczami, przeznaczony do laboratoryjnego wykonywania uzupełnień protetycznych z podbudową lub bez niej. Dzięki właściwościom kolorystycznym, niezależnym od grubości warstwy, można uzyskać naturalne cechy optyczne - zarówno w przypadku uzupełnień stałych, jak i ruchomych oraz w strefach imitujących dziąsło. Duża zawartość nieorganicznych opalizujących wypełniaczy pozwala uzyskać optymalne właściwości w zakresie abrazji, przebarwień, użytkowania i połysku powierzchni.

Właściwości fizyczne pasty SR Nexco:

  • Nieorganiczny opalizujący mikrowypełniacz, w połączeniu z opracowaną matrycą, umożliwia uzyskanie jednorodnej struktury materiału. Ten wyważony stosunek między oboma składnikami pozwala na osiągnięcie najlepszych właściwości fizycznych, przy użyciu dostępnych na rynku urządzeń polimeryzacyjnych.

Właściwości estetyczne pasty SR Nexco:

  • Przenikające przez uzupełnienie światło, uwidacznia w pełni właściwości optyczne pasty SR Nexco: opalescencja i przezierność uzupełnień SR Nexco odpowiadają dynamice światła zęba naturalnego. Tak więc we wszystkich obszarach, począwszy od szyjki zęba, przez zębinę, aż po brzeg sieczny, światło zachowuje się w bardzo podobny sposób, jak w przypadku zęba naturalnego. Zdjęcie światła odbitego, uwidacznia fluorescencję uzupełnień SR Nexco. W zębach własnych wrażenie jasności powstaje przeważnie właśnie w jej wyniku. W uzupełnieniach z SR Nexco, zjawisko to jest również głównym czynnikiem decydującym o grze światła, zbliżonej do zębów naturalnych.

Dane techniczne:

  • Moduł elastyczności [MPa]- 6500 ± 500
  • Odporność na zginanie [MPa] - 90 ± 10
  • Twardość (wg Vickers\u2019a) [MPa] - 440 ± 10
  • Absorpcja wody [ug/mm3] - 15 ± 1
  • Rozpuszczalność w wodzie [ug/mm3] - 1 ± 0.5


Uzupełnienia stałe:

Na podbudowie - Licowanie uzupełnień na podbudowie metalowej - Licowanie uzupełnień kombinowanych (np. licowanie koron podwójnych) - Licowanie prac na implantach, z możliwością ich zdjęcia - Licowanie części imitujących dziąsło w przypadku prac na implantach, z możliwością ich zdjęcia - Licowanie podbudów metalowych wykonanych metodą CAD/CAM - Pokrywanie struktur protez szkieletowych materiałem SR Nexco Opaquer pink

Bez podbudowy :

  • Inlaye/onalye/licówki
  • Korony w odcinku przednim


  • 2,5 g

Product Code: 9717
SR Nexco Paste Dentin 2,5g

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

Product Code: 9718
Qty: 9
SR Nexco Paste Incisal 2,5 g
Ivoclar Technical

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Incisal 2,5 g

SR Nexco Incisal - brzeg sieczny.


  • I BL, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5.

Dobór poszczególnych mas incisal do kolorów dentyn

  • BL3,BL4 - I BL
  • A1, B1, - I1
  • A2, B2, C1, D2 - I2
  • A3,B3, C2,D3 - I3
  • A3,5, B4, C3, D4 - I4
  • A4, C4 - I5


  • strzykawka 2,5 g

Product Code: 9718
SR Nexco Paste Incisal 2,5 g

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

Product Code: 9719
Qty: 2
SR Nexco Opaquer 2ml
Ivoclar Technical

25.54€ +vat32.45€

27.58€ incl tax

SR Nexco Opaquer 2ml

SR Nexco Opaker:

  • It comes in 16 AD shades and 2 whitened teeth


  • syringe of 2 ml

Product Code: 9719
SR Nexco Opaquer 2ml

25.54€ +vat32.45€

27.58€ incl tax

Product Code: 9720
Qty: 1
SR Nexco Paste Effect 2.5g
Ivoclar Technical

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Effect 2.5g

SR Nexco paste Effect Occlusal Dentin A wide range of effect material is used to modify and intensify SR Nexco and other composite restorations. It comes in Orange and Brown colors.


2.5 g

Product Code: 9720
SR Nexco Paste Effect 2.5g

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

Product Code: 9721
Qty: 2
Sr Nexco Stains 1ml
Ivoclar Technical

25.44€ +vat32.32€

27.48€ incl tax

Sr Nexco Stains 1ml

SR Nexco Stains for individual characterization.

Available colours:

  • clear
  • white
  • blue
  • Orange
  • mahogany
  • maroon


1 ml

Product Code: 9721
Sr Nexco Stains 1ml

25.44€ +vat32.32€

27.48€ incl tax

Product Code: 9722
Qty: 10
SR Nexco Paste Basic Gingiva BG34 2.5g
Ivoclar Technical

26.89€ +vat34.17€

29.04€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Basic Gingiva BG34 2.5g

SR Nexco Paste Basic Gingiva BG34. A new shade that can be used as the primary shade of the gums.


2.5 g

Product Code: 9722
SR Nexco Paste Basic Gingiva BG34 2.5g

26.89€ +vat34.17€

29.04€ incl tax

Product Code: 9723
Qty: 2
SR Nexco Liner 2ml
Ivoclar Technical

23.89€ +vat30.36€

25.80€ incl tax

SR Nexco Liner 2ml

We use Sr Liner as the first layer for non-metal restorations, inlays, onlays.

Liner shades matching the tooth shades BL3, BL4 - Liner BL A1, B1, C1 - Liner 1 A2, A3, B2 - Liner 2 A3.5, B3, B4, - Liner 3 A4, C4 - Liner 4 C2, C3, D2 , D3, D4 - Liner 5


2ml syringe.

Product Code: 9723
SR Nexco Liner 2ml

23.89€ +vat30.36€

25.80€ incl tax

Product Code: 9738
Qty: 1
SR Nexco Paste Promo Kit A2
Ivoclar Technical

151.29€ +vat192.23€

163.39€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Promo Kit A2

SR Nexco Paste is a typical light-cured composite with opalescent micro-fillers, intended for the laboratory fabrication of prosthetic restorations with or without a framework. Due to the color properties, independent of the layer thickness, natural optical features can be obtained - both in the case of permanent and removable restorations, and in areas imitating the gingiva. The high content of inorganic opalescent fillers allows for optimal abrasion, discoloration, use and surface gloss properties.

Physical properties of SR Nexco paste:

  • The inorganic iridescent micro-filler, in combination with the developed matrix, allows to obtain a homogeneous structure of the material. This balanced ratio between the two components allows the best physical properties to be achieved using commercially available polymerization equipment.

Aesthetic properties of SR Nexco paste:

  • The light penetrating through the restoration makes the optical properties of SR Nexco Paste fully visible: the opalescence and translucency of the SR Nexco restorations correspond to the light dynamics of a natural tooth. So in all areas, from the tooth neck to the dentin to the incisal edge, light behaves in a very similar way to a natural tooth. The reflected light image shows the fluorescence of SR Nexco restorations. In one's own teeth the impression of brightness is usually created precisely as a result of it. In SR Nexco restorations, this phenomenon is also the main factor determining the play of light similar to natural teeth.

Technical data:

  • Modulus of elasticity [MPa] - 6500 ± 500
  • Bending strength [MPa] - 90 ± 10
  • Hardness (according to Vickers \ u2019a) [MPa] - 440 ± 10
  • Water absorption [µg / mm3] - 15 ± 1
  • Water solubility [µg / mm3] - 1 ± 0.5


Permanent restorations:

On the substructure - Veneering of metal restorations - Veneering of combined restorations (e.g. veneering of double crowns) - Veneering of works on implants, with the possibility of their removal - Veneering of parts imitating the gingiva in the case of work on implants, with the possibility of removing them - Veneering metal frameworks made using the method CAD / CAM - Coating of skeletal denture structures with SR Nexco Opaquer pink material

Framework-free - Inlaye / onalye / veneers - Anterior crowns


1 x 2 ml Nexco Opaquer 1 x 2 ml Nexco Liner 1x 2.5 g Nexco Paste Margin 1 x 2.5 g Nexco Paste Dentin 1x 2.5 g Nexco Paste Incisal 1 x 5 ml SR Link 1 x 30 g Sr Gel

Product Code: 9738
SR Nexco Paste Promo Kit A2

151.29€ +vat192.23€

163.39€ incl tax

Product Code: 9846
Qty: Out Of Stock
SR Nexco Paste Starter Kit
Ivoclar Technical

744.83€ +vat946.38€

804.42€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Starter Kit


SR Nexco paste is a light-curing composite with opalescent microfillers, intended for laboratory fabrication of prosthetic restorations with or without a framework. Thanks to the shade-independent properties of the layer thickness, natural optical features can be achieved, both in fixed and removable restorations and in gingival zones. The high content of inorganic iridescent fillers allows for optimal abrasion, discoloration, wear and surface gloss properties.

Physical properties :

  • The inorganic opalescent microfiller, in combination with the developed matrix, makes it possible to obtain a homogeneous structure of the material. This balanced ratio between the two components allows the best physical properties to be achieved using commercially available curing equipment.

Aesthetic properties:

  • The light penetrating the restoration fully reveals the optical properties of the SR Nexco paste. The opalescence and translucency of the SR Nexco restorations correspond to the light dynamics of a natural tooth. Thus, in all areas, from the tooth neck, through the dentin, to the incisal edge, the light behaves in a very similar way to that of a natural tooth.


  • Permanent restorations

  • On the foundation

  • Veneering restorations on a metal framework

  • Veneering of combined restorations (e.g. veneering of double crowns)

  • Veneering of works on implants, with the possibility of their removal

  • Veneering of parts imitating the gingiva in the case of works on implants, with the possibility of their removal

  • Veneering of metal substructures made with the CAD/CAM method

  • Covering skeletal denture structures with SR Nexco Opaquer pink


  • SR Nexco Opaquer 4 x (A2, A3, A3.5, B2) 2ml
  • SR Nexco Liner 2 x (L2, L3) 2ml
  • SR Nexco Paste Margin 2 x (M2, M3) 2.5g
  • SR Nexco Paste Dentin 4 x (A2, A3, A3.5, B2) 2.5g
  • SR Nexco Paste Incisal 3 x (I2, I3, I4) 2.5g
  • SR Nexco Paste Effect Occlusal Dentin (OD orange) 2.5g
  • SR Nexco Paste Effect Transparent (T clear) 2.5g
  • SR Nexco Paste Effect Opal (E1) 2.5g
  • SR Nexco Stains 4 x (clear, white, orange, mahogany) 1ml
  • SR Nexco Pontic Fill 2.5g
  • SR Modeling Liquid 5ml
  • SR Gel 30ml
  • SR Connect 5ml
  • SR Link 5ml
  • SR Micro Retentions 15g
  • SR Retention Adhesive 20m

Product Code: 9846
SR Nexco Paste Starter Kit

744.83€ +vat946.38€

804.42€ incl tax

Product Code: 9905
Qty: 2
SR Nexco Paste Margin 2.5g
Ivoclar Technical

23.89€ +vat30.36€

25.80€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Margin 2.5g

SR Nexco Paste Margin.

For use in cervical areas. It comes in 5 shades



Product Code: 9905
SR Nexco Paste Margin 2.5g

23.89€ +vat30.36€

25.80€ incl tax

Product Code: 10031
Qty: 4
SR Nexco Paste Effect Transpa 2.5g
Ivoclar Technical

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Effect Transpa 2.5g

SR Nexco Paste Effect Transpa. Szeroki zakres materiału efekt jest wykorzystywany do modyfikacji i intensyfikacji sr nexco i innych wypełnień kompozytowych.

Występuje w 4 kolorach:

  • blue
  • brown - grey
  • orange - grey
  • clear



Product Code: 10031
SR Nexco Paste Effect Transpa 2.5g

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

Product Code: 10057
Qty: 6
SR Modeling Liquid 5ml
Ivoclar Technical

32.60€ +vat41.42€

35.21€ incl tax

SR Modeling Liquid 5ml

Sr Modeling Liquid.

SR Nexco Modeling Liquid.



Product Code: 10057
SR Modeling Liquid 5ml

32.60€ +vat41.42€

35.21€ incl tax

Product Code: 10159
Qty: 2
SR Nexco Paste Effect Opal 2,5g
Ivoclar Technical

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Effect Opal 2,5g

Sr Nexco Paste Effect Opal

Szeroki zakres materiału efekt jest wykorzystywany do modyfikacji i intensyfikacji sr nexco i innych wypełnień kompozytowych.

Występuje w 4 odcieniach E1, E2, E3, E4


2,5 g

Product Code: 10159
SR Nexco Paste Effect Opal 2,5g

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

Product Code: 10218
Qty: Out Of Stock
SR Nexco Gingiva Opaquer Pink 2 ml
Ivoclar Technical

25.54€ +vat32.45€

27.58€ incl tax

SR Nexco Gingiva Opaquer Pink 2 ml

SR Nexco Gingiva Opaquer Pink 2ml.

Opaque to cover metal structures before applying the gum-colored material.


  • 2 ml

Product Code: 10218
SR Nexco Gingiva Opaquer Pink 2 ml

25.54€ +vat32.45€

27.58€ incl tax

Product Code: 10219
Qty: 3
SR Nexco Paste Gingiva 2.5g
Ivoclar Technical

26.89€ +vat34.17€

29.04€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Gingiva 2.5g

SR Nexco Paste Gingiva 2.5g

For the characterization of restorations in the gingival areas.

It comes in 5 colors:

  • G1
  • G2
  • G3
  • G4
  • G5


2.5 g

Product Code: 10219
SR Nexco Paste Gingiva 2.5g

26.89€ +vat34.17€

29.04€ incl tax

Product Code: 10617
Qty: 1
SR Nexco Paste Effect Mamelon 2,5g
Ivoclar Technical

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Effect Mamelon 2,5g

SR Nexco Paste Effect Mamelon.

Szeroki zakres materiału efekt jest wykorzystywany do modyfikacji i intensyfikacji SR Nexco i innych wypełnień kompozytowych.

Występuje w kolorach Light i Yelow-Orange.


  • 2,5 g

Product Code: 10617
SR Nexco Paste Effect Mamelon 2,5g

21.47€ +vat27.29€

23.19€ incl tax

Product Code: 10646
Qty: 1
SR Nexco Pontic Fill 2.5g
Ivoclar Technical

23.89€ +vat30.36€

25.80€ incl tax

SR Nexco Pontic Fill 2.5g

SR Nexco Pontic Fill.

Material for stabilizing the areas of the bridge spans.


2.5 g

Product Code: 10646
SR Nexco Pontic Fill 2.5g

23.89€ +vat30.36€

25.80€ incl tax

Product Code: 10657
Qty: 1
SR Nexco Paste Intensive Gingiva
Ivoclar Technical

26.89€ +vat34.17€

29.04€ incl tax

SR Nexco Paste Intensive Gingiva

SR Nexco Paste Intensive Gingiva

Pasty są wykorzystywane do dalszej indywidualizacji w obrębie dziąsła .

Występuje w 5 kolorach:

  • IG1
  • IG2
  • IG3
  • IG4
  • IG5



Product Code: 10657
SR Nexco Paste Intensive Gingiva

26.89€ +vat34.17€

29.04€ incl tax

Showing 1 to 24 of 24 (1 Pages)