Chromascop Shade Guide, shade guide
Chromascop color guide key 20 Chromascop colors in 5 groups.
Chromascop can be used to determine the colours of Ivoclar composite, plastic and ceramic materials.
- 1pc.
LMC SR Vivodent S DCL - cassette with tooth shapes, color A2
The table of tooth forms for SR Vivodent S DCL and SR Orthotyp S DCL contains all the tools necessary for quick and convenient selection of teeth for dentures.
Includes a shade guide with integrated face gauge and papillameter, as well as all available tooth sizes. The front teeth are arranged according to tooth size and shape. The side teeth are assigned to the appropriate sizes S, M and L.
1 cassette contains
- 24 pcs SR Vivodent S DCL anterior teeth
- 8 pcs. side teeth SR Orthotyp S DCL
IPS Natural Die Material Shade Guide
IPS Natural Die Material Shade Guide. The color key is used to determine the color of a ground tooth.
- 1 piece
Shade Guide Bleach - shade guide for bleached teeth
Shade Guide Bleach shade guide, for bleached teeth.
- 1 piece.
Ips E.Max Ceram Gingiva shade guide
Shade guide for ceramic materials imitating the gum.
1 piece
Vita Bleached Shades Color Guide
VITA shade guide for whitened teeth.
- VITA Bleached Shades consists of bleached shades 0M1, 0M2 and 0M3.
- VITA Bleached Shades add-on, attachment for VITA classical A1-D4 and VITAPAN classical.
- 1pc
Ivoclar shade guide AD colors + Bleach shades
Universal AD Shade Guide. Ivoclar shade guide.
Contains 16 AD colors and 4 Bleach colors.
- 1 piece
SR Vivodent S PE / SR Orthotyp S PE shade guide
SR Vivodent S PE / SR Orthotyp S PE tooth shade guide. Ivoclar-Vivadent
1 piece
IPS Style Ceram Shade Guide Incisal / Transpa
IPS Style Ceram incisal / transpa technical shade guide.
1 piece
Shade Guide Gingiva Solution
Gingiva color guide for systems:
- Ips E.max
- Ips InLine
- Ips Style
- Nexco
- 1 piece
Ips Ivocolor Shade Guide Essence
Color guide for universal Ivocolor Essence paints.
- 1 piece
SR Vivodent S DCL shade guide
The tooth color key SR Vivodent S DCL / SR Orthotyp S DCL.
- 1 piece
Wiedent Estetic A3 tooth shape standard
Wiedent Estetic tooth shape standard
- The shape template contains 1 plate of each tooth shape in shade A3V.
- V color chart (shade guide).
- Shape patterns in other colors are available on request.
- 1 set